Yearly Programs:
Reflections: A national competition for students to show their creative outlets. A theme is selected and students can compete in different forms of dance, music, drama, and art.
Teacher hosplitality : Treating our wonderful teachers and staff here at Westwood.
Clothes Closet : Collecting and organizing new and used clothing donations and distributing them to those in need in our own community.
Treat Yo-Self Club : A PTSA run club for students, by students, that hosts fun and relaxing events to counteract the stressful environment school can be at times.
Principal's Coffee : An opportunity to hear about late happenings and hot topics at Westwood with Dr Acosta. The virutual coffees are avaible in video and text on the Programs page of this website.
Fish Bowl: Work with the counseling department to help with putting it together as well as donate to fish bowl.
Excellence Fund : We donate to the Excellence Fund.
Project Graduation : Yearly donation to Project Graduation
Pie Foundation : We make a basket for auction.